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Bale Transporters
We understand the awkwardness and mess involved in transporting bales of hay and straw. Therefore, here at Discount Equestrian, we are proud to stock the best, market-leading products from fantastic brands, including Elico® and Moorland Rider®, in our Bale Transporters range.
The bale transporters available here at Discount Equestrian have many excellent qualities. Just a few such qualities include: being manufactured from materials that are lightweight and easily folded to fit in the boot...Read more
We understand the awkwardness and mess involved in transporting bales of hay and straw.... Read More
Hay Bale Covers
We understand the awkwardness and mess involved in transporting bales of hay and straw. Therefore, here at Discount Equestrian, we are proud to stock the best, market-leading products from fantastic brands, including Elico® and Moorland Rider®, in our Bale Transporters range.
The bale transporters available here at Discount Equestrian have many excellent qualities. Just a few such qualities include: being manufactured from materials that are lightweight and easily folded to fit in the boot of your car, the drawstring opening and useful handles allow hay or straw square bales to be covered up and transported with ease, many of the bale covers and transporters are machine-washable, most bale transporters available also repel water, as well as reducing the amount of waste that often accompanies the transportation of hay and straw bales. There are also the larger bale covers available for large round bales. Obviously not designed for the car boot! but great to keep them covered up at the yard.