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Rope Halters
Rope Halters for Horses
Horse training is a long journey that begins at an early age and changes over time, requiring different tools along the way. In the beginning, the most important is establishing a connection, and that’s when a rope halter becomes a widely used tool in the process.
The initial training stages are far from what rider’s experience in the arena. Preparing a horse to be ridden involves several stages, and the quality of that training will have a deep impact on...Read more
Rope Halters for Horses
Horse training is a long journey that begins at an early age and changes... Read More
Rope Halters for Horses
Horse training is a long journey that begins at an early age and changes over time, requiring different tools along the way. In the beginning, the most important is establishing a connection, and that’s when a rope halter becomes a widely used tool in the process.
The initial training stages are far from what rider’s experience in the arena. Preparing a horse to be ridden involves several stages, and the quality of that training will have a deep impact on the horse’s character and ability to interact with humans.
When doing groundwork and in the early stages of horse training, rope halters for horses work as a great communication tool, helping establish boundaries and building relationships. A horse rope halter is used to transmit signals and cues by applying or releasing pressure. The thickness of rope used, and the type of a rope halter determine its capacity to exert pressure along with the quantity and placement of knot's used in the halter, all determine how mild or harsh the pressure will be. Depending on the rope halter’s construction, it can provide comfort to sensitive horses or alternatively help handle stubborn horses that are prone to pulling and ignore cues. Some people opt to use rope halters for leading difficult horses instead of other products such as stallion chains.
Rope halters are often first used during the ‘gentling’ stage and involves the foal’s first contact with humans. A foal rope halter is first put on with patience to allow the young horse to get familiar with it. In these first steps, it’s essential never to leave the foal or any horse unattended while wearing a rope halter, as it could be hazardous.
Once the foal is used to wearing the halter rope, the handler or trainer starts with the first leading exercises and some basic groundwork. As the foal grows and develops and, depending on the horse’s type, working methods, and other factors, the trainers use different kinds of groundwork, such as leading exercises.
Although you can choose to use a proper rope halter daily, it’s essential to highlight that it’s not safe to leave horses unattended when wearing them because they could get entangled, and the rope used in halters is extremely hard to break. In addition, they are not recommended for transport, as they could cause discomfort by exerting undesired pressure on bumpy or agitated trips. Lastly, tying up horses while wearing a rope horse halter is not recommended, especially if it’s not fitted with a break-away leading rope.
Horse Rope Halters from all the Best Brands
Whether you are looking for a draft rope halter, a cob rope halter, or a regular-size rope halter, our collection features high-quality rope halters from the best brands, such as Elico, HY, Kentucky Horsewear, and Rhinegold. We have rope halters available in different styles. One popular model is the traditional braided rope halter, or the black rope halter, which is a colour that can be easily combined with other gear like fleece and stable bandages, among others.
If you need help choosing the best rope halter for your horse, please contact our friendly Discount Equestrian expert team. We are always happy to help!
For more excellent handling apparel for your horse, please visit our fabulous Headcollarcollection and our fantastic selection of Leather Headcollars.