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In our Horse Bedding section here at Discount Equestrian, we provide an excellent range of bedding that we are proud to source responsibly on your behalf. We understand the need for your horse to be comfortable, and for their stable to remain as dust-free as possible, without breaking the bank.
We offer the highest quality shavings, shredded wood, rape straw, woodchip, wood pellets, and miscanthus bedding at competitive prices – available to order and collect from our Discount Equestrian...Read more
In our Horse Bedding section here at Discount Equestrian, we provide an excellent range of... Read More
In our Horse Bedding section here at Discount Equestrian, we provide an excellent range of bedding that we are proud to source responsibly on your behalf. We understand the need for your horse to be comfortable, and for their stable to remain as dust-free as possible, without breaking the bank.
We offer the highest quality shavings, shredded wood, rape straw, woodchip, wood pellets, and miscanthus bedding at competitive prices – available to order and collect from our Discount Equestrian store in Hartlepool.
Brilliant brands included in our bedding section include Greenwood Forest®, Bedwell®, Easibed®, Blue Ribbon®, Caviera®, Bedmax®, AW Jenkinson®, and many more!