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Dog Toys
Discount Equestrian understands the importance of providing your dog with high quality, durable toys. There is so much more to dog toys than simply having fun, however.
Interacting with your dog in play through games such as fetch and tug-of-war, maintains the strength of your bond with them.
Providing your dog with toys relieves boredom and discourages destructive behaviour, especially while you’re out of the house.
Chew toys help keep your dog’s teeth in good condition too!
Some toys...Read more
Discount Equestrian understands the importance of providing your dog with high quality, durable... Read More
Discount Equestrian understands the importance of providing your dog with high quality, durable toys. There is so much more to dog toys than simply having fun, however.
Interacting with your dog in play through games such as fetch and tug-of-war, maintains the strength of your bond with them.
Providing your dog with toys relieves boredom and discourages destructive behaviour, especially while you’re out of the house.
Chew toys help keep your dog’s teeth in good condition too!
Some toys simulate instinctive behaviours, such as chasing, hunting and guarding, whilst other toys just make your dog happy.